Planting and pruning Young Trees Workshop
Do you like getting outdoors and into the garden?
Then head to Harcourt at 69 Dann’s Road on July 2nd and between 1pm and 2pm learn about taking care of young trees in a practical-based workshop where you’ll be shown a simple, safe, and effective fruit tree planting technique using minimal equipment.
You’ll learn what to do about drainage, how to prepare your tree for planting, and what to do when you’re planting into weeds, green manure, or clay soil. Then you’ll cover the basics of the all-important (but often neglected) “Establishment Pruning” technique.
This workshop is for people who will be visiting the farm to pick up trees from Carr’s Organic Fruit Tree Nursery, and anyone planting new fruit trees this winter. Here’s what the workshop covers: Planting: – How to plant fruit trees so they don’t need stakes or other support – How to safely store your tree until you have time to plant it (and how long for) – Equipment, size of the hole, whether to prune the roots – How deep to plant your trees – What to add to the soil when you plant your tree – Drainage and deciding whether to mound your tree above-ground – What to do when planting into clay soil – Pros and cons of mulch and weed mat Establishment pruning: – How to create the shape you want, e.g. vase, espalier – Why it’s so important to prune your fruit tree before spring.