
Almost $2M Upgrade Annouced for Dhelkaya Health

February 13, 2024 9:10 am in by
Credit: Asanka Ratnayake / Stringer via Getty Images.

Castlemaine Hospital, Maldon Hospital and CHIRP Community Health – otherwise know as Dhelkaya Health – will recieve a $1.9 million boost to its operating theatre equipment and aged care facilities through the Regional Health Infrastructure Fund (RHIF).

The operating theatre upgrade at Castlemaine Hospital includes replacing sterilising and clinical equipment – improving theatre productivity by ensuring staff have equipment that is fit for purpose, while helping drive down planned surgery waitlists.

Aged care upgrades will include patient hoists and tracking systems at Maldon Hospital and Ellery House residential aged care facilities, improving the health and safety of both staff and residents.

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Across Victoria the latest round of RHIF grants is supporting rural and regional hospitals, community health services and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations to ensure they can continue to provide safe and efficient care to local communities.

With 45 projects across 39 rural and regional health services, the program is ensuring communities continue to have access to high quality care, no matter where they live, while also supporting hundreds of jobs across the state.

Established by the Labor Government in 2016 and overseen by the Victorian Health Building Authority, the RHIF program is now worth $790 million, making it the largest ever dedicated grants program in Victoria’s history. To date, it has delivered more than 675 projects funded for regional health services. This builds on other recent RHIF investments at Dhelkaya Health totalling $7.6 million.

“We’re delivering better health infrastructure for locals in Castlemaine and the surrounding region, helping health services complete important upgrades – ensuring the best care is available closer to home,” Member for Bendigo West, Maree Edwards, said.

“Equipment upgrades will also ensure our hardworking staff have safer and more efficient facilities to continue delivering the world-class care our community is so grateful for.”

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