
Local Calls to Keep Bendigo East Pool OPEN!

March 7, 2024 8:56 am in by
Credit: Supplied.

A passionate group of Bendigo swimmers converged at the Bendigo East swimming pool over the weekend to protest its potential closure for the winter.

The group is asking Greater Bendigo’s Council to reverse its decision to turn the pool into a seasonal spot, only open in the warmer months.

Nationals Member for Northern Victoria, Gaelle Broad, is urging Premier and member for Bendigo East, Jacinta Allan to listen to local residents and keep the pool open!

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Broad also spoke to Robbo on the Wake Up Call to address what locals want for the future of the pool.

Speaking in Parliament, Broad says the pool is a popular community asset, and the decision to close it over winter following the cancellation of the 2026 Commonwealth Games was just another “kick in the guts” for locals.

“The Bendigo East pool is a community facility that builds social connections, and helps keep people healthy and out of hospital,” Broad says.

“Last year the community was told that the Brennan Park pool would be upgraded and made into a heated year-round pool, but that project is yet to be funded and works expected in 2028.

“Bendigo East Swimming Pool is the only 50m outdoor pool open in winter, which means the region will have no outdoor winter pool until the Brennan Park is completed.”

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According to the Council’s pool usage data, there were 73,000 visits to the Bendigo East Pool and only 5,000 to Brennan Park.

Broad attended the community meeting over the weekend to discuss the impending closure with residents and people who travel to use the pool.

“I met a range of people of all ages who rely on the pool, including a lady who has been going to the pool for 30 years, and now takes her young daughter,” Broad says.

“The pool is also a training facility for the local triathlon group, and the Bendigo East Swimming Club. Swimmers like Cam Jordan and Henry Allan train at the pool and represent Australia at the highest level of competition.

“These clubs have been told to relocate over winter to Gurri Wanyarra in Kangaroo Flat which is already busy. Bendigo has a rapidly growing population. We need to keep the Bendigo East pool open, at the very minimum until the Brennan Park pool is upgraded.”

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