
More Locals Reporting Family Violence, Says Senior Sargeant

May 21, 2024 11:16 am in by
Photo: Getty Images

Bendigo’s family violence unit says reporting of family violence in the region has increased.

Speaking to Mark on the Wake Up Call this morning, Detective Acting Senior Sargeant in the unit, Michael Thompson, says now people are more aware of violence, more are willing to report it.

He says if someone is in immediate danger, local residents should call triple-zero.

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“If it’s serious and it’s happening there and then and people are in danger, 000 is always the first point of call for everybody’s safety,” he said.

“Beyond that, they can always ring a police station and speak to a member there, or if they don’t feel comfortable with that, ring the Orange Door. They provide a great service to people as well.”

The phone number for Orange Door in Bendigo is 1800 512 359.
