
Rochester Flooding Deja Vu

January 9, 2024 8:38 am in by
Credit: BeyondImages via Getty Images.

Residents of Rochester have been told it is ‘too late to leave’ their homes as Campaspe River reaches capacity leading to flooding across the township.

The Vic Emergency warning – a flow on from a warning issued on January 8 – advises residents to stay put as waters make it dangerous for residents to evacuate.

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The region was hit with over 100mm of rain over a few days, however, authorities say the water levels are one meter lower than the October 2022 floods.

The Midland Highway, the Bendigo Murchison Road, the Prairie-Rochester Road, and parts of the Northern Highway have all been closed due to flood damage.

Residents who teamed up with Local Member, Wendy Lovell, to fight for support funding following the 2022 floods, are now left to clean up their homes again.

An Emergency Relief Centre has been opened at the Bendigo Showgrounds for anyone impacted by the wet weather and can no longer stay in their homes. Only impacted residents are to attend the relief centre, if it is safe to get there. If you are unable to travel, please contact the SES on 132 500 or 000 if it is an emergency.
