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There are renewed calls for residents in the Loddon and Campaspe shires to protect themselves against mosquitos bites following news that several diseases have been detected in the region.
The Department of Health yesterday issued a statement saying that the Ross River and Barmah Forest viruses have been detected in both local government areas.
Species that transmit diseases to humans are reported to be high across many parts of Victoria’s coastal and riverine areas.
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“Ross River virus and Barham Forest virus are endemic to most areas across Victoria, particularly around inland waterways and coastal regions,” the statement reads.
It goes on to say that residents should “avoid mosquito bites and remove mosquito breeding sites” from homes and properties.
Symptoms include headaches, fevers, chils, a rash as well as joint and muscle pain.
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There are simple steps to protect against mosquito-borne diseases:
– Cover up – wear long, loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing.
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– Use mosquito repellents containing picaridin or DEET on all exposed skin.
– Limit outdoor activity if lots of mosquitoes are about.
– Remove stagnant water where mosquitoes can breed around your home or campsite.
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– On holidays make sure your accommodation is fitted with mosquito netting or screens.
– Don’t forget the kids – always check the insect repellent label.
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– On babies, you might need to spray or rub repellent on their clothes instead of their skin.
– Avoid applying repellent to the hands of babies or young children.
– Use ‘knockdown’ fly sprays and plug-in repellent devices indoors.
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– Sleep under mosquito nets treated with insecticides if you don’t have insect screens on windows on your home or are sleeping in an untreated tent or out in the open.
– Mosquito coils can be effective in small outdoor areas where you gather to sit or eat.
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Image: James Gathany, USCDCP, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons.